Simple How-To for Adding Placeit Mockup on Shopify

Are you wondering what the heck a Placeit Mockup is? A few days ago, I was in your shoes. But my latest venture into an online store (Old Lady Biz Store), presents many new learning frustrations…err… opportunities. I debated about creating this post at my Old Lady Biz...

QR Codes: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Are you still wondering if QR codes are worth the effort? In this last of a 3-part series, this post examines QR codes – the good, the bad & the ugly. Hopefully, it helps you decide if the technology makes sense for your marketing strategy. QR Codes Series In case...

How Do QR Codes Work and What Do You Need?

You walk down a grocery store aisle and reach for your can of peas. Then you notice that underneath the sale price is a QR code. It says if you scan the code, you’ll get even more off the sale price. Score! You know what QR codes are, right? If not, hop over to the...

What Are QR Codes and Why Should We Care?

Who knew the pandemic would revitalize QR codes? Although some businesses may have taken them too far. Think restaurants that force you to scan a QR code to access the menu. So, are they really useful or just another technological shortcut? This post kicks off the...

3 Simple Tricks for Moving Posts to New Site

Don’t you wish there was a magic button for moving posts from an old website to a new one? In this era of artificial intelligence (AI), there may be one, but I haven’t found it. But I did find the next best thing for me. So, I thought I’d share 3...

How to Add Social Media Share Buttons to PDFs

Updating how to add social media share buttons to PDFs has been on my To-Do list for some time now. So, why now? Guilt. I received an email from a reader who was not receiving the result the instructions said he should. The problem was I first read his message on my...

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