
Do you feel like you’re dropping the ball on your business communication? Don’t know where to start?

SSB offers a variety of templates for free download. Make the templates your own. Tweak them or trash them. Whatever works for you and your business.

Click on what interests you to download your free template.

TIP: If viewing the columns below on a smartphone, turn to landscape to see side-by-side column choices.

Planning Templates

Help capture those dreams for better business communication.

Process Templates

Explore ideas on what works best and who should help.

Evaluation Templates

Check out what’s working and what needs to change.

Vision for Your Business

Does your communication support your vision? Use this form as your blueprint for what you hope becomes more than a dream.

Your Best Communication Vehicle

You know what you want to say, but how do you say it? And what’s the best communication vehicle for your current task? Download this template for ideas.

Communication Evaluation

This simple template offers a tool to evaluate your business communication by answering two questions:

1) Did you deliver? 2) How do you know?

Defining Your Product

If someone asked you to define your product (or service), what would you say?

This template helps you define your business product – because sometimes it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Marketing Roles & Responsibilities

This sample project is a handy template for any marketing project. It assists you in identifying tasks and assigning who does what.  Even if the entire team is only you, this template helps you avoid missed steps.

Year-End Task Completion

This simple template organizes your thoughts for getting those last quarter tasks done.  You jot down what’s done, what’s left, and the time you need to complete remaining tasks.

Sample Marketing Budget

This VERY simple template focuses on two areas of communication: Internal and External. Use it as a kick-in-the-rear tool to get you at least thinking about a budget.

Key Persons

Whether internal or external, there are several key persons (or stakeholders) in the planning, execution, and managing of your business communication. Download this template to helps you determine who should be involved and at what stage.

Vendor Relationships

If you are a consumer, a corporation, or a business of one, at some point you will interact with vendors. This checklist template can help you manage your vendor relationships.

Request for Proposal

Do you need to obtain competitive bids for a new project? This Request for Proposal (RFP) template can help you create a better RFP so you choose the best vendor for your project.

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