Do Punctuation Blunders Blow Your Gasket?

If you want to light up the Discussions boards on LinkedIn®, post something about punctuation. You create a similar response on: Typos Misspellings Grammar faux pas That last one has the tricky plural of faux pas – in case anyone questions it. Heat Gauge In a...

Do Online Rants Go Too Far?

Who doesn’t love a good online rant – besides the target of the rant? Rant Retribution An article, Increasingly, Online Rants Proving Costly, by David G. Savage of the Tribune Washington Bureau, has been making the rounds on sites and newspapers. The...

Monday Signals Social Media Kickoff

Monday kicks the week off with hope – and apparently lots of social media. Daily Blog Tips cites internet studies that show Monday and Tuesday generally receive the highest amount of traffic for blogs. Hopefully, that means most people enjoy their weekends and...

Simple is a Thing of Beauty

Simple can be a thing of beauty. Successful techie-types know there is beauty in taking something complex and making it simple for the end-user. Whether you are using the internet, print or social media for communication, Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours....

Keep it Simple Stupid

We have all heard the phrase, keep it simple, stupid. I promise you, it was not the inspiration for this blog – well, the simple part was  – not the stupid part. Keep it Simple, Clear & Uniquely Yours However, I do have a passion for making things...

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