Finding Inspiration from Rattlesnakes

We all look for inspiration in the work we do. Who knew that a story on rattlesnakes would be mine? Boredom Bites Writer’s block is just a word wall for lack of inspiration. We all experience times, no matter how much we love our jobs, when we are simply...

LeBron – Loyal Subject or Business Person?

The whole LeBron James spectacle made me wonder about the term loyalty, and whether or not it should apply. Senseless Dribble Even non-sports fans probably found it difficult to escape all the hype surrounding “The Decision” of where LeBron would play...

3 of the Biggest Copyright Misconceptions in Business Blogs

New business blogs start every day. You may think you understand copyright issues, but do you really? It’s a lot more complicated than you might think I thought I understood it – hey, I went to college I understand plagiarism However, there is much more to...

Is Ghost Blogging Unethical?

In a recent post, I listed the reasons why I love ghostwriting. Primarily, it centered on ghostwriting industry articles. An apparent controversy in the blogging world is the existence of ghost blogging – using a ghostwriter to create blog posts. I admit it. I...

Why I Love Ghostwriting

A significant part of my business is ghostwriting articles. I’m often asked, “Doesn’t it bug you that you write it and someone else’s name goes on it?” My answer is always, “No, it doesn’t.” Do I like to see my name in...

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