Do Typos Exist to Show Us We’re Human?

Everyone hates typos – except the blissfully ignorant. No matter how hard you try to eliminate them, the sneaky devils keep popping up. Millions are infected and typos thrive throughout the written word. I decided someone needed to get to the bottom of this...

Are You Putting Your Communication Cart Before the Horse?

To paraphrase Merriam-Webster, communication is an exchange of information. At times; however, businesses put the communication cart before the horse. The Communication Journey The horse leads the cart. Imagine the horse as business communication to customers and the...

How to Keep Your Business Writing Simple

One of my favorite things about social media is the great people you meet. Danielle McGaw is a great example of that. We met through Twitter and found we had similar ideas on business writing. The theme of this blog is Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours. When...

Why Passion Counts

I often write about letting your passion come through in your writing. This morning I received an affirmation of why passion is so important. A Tale of Two Dads I received an email from my cousin-in-law, Desiree,  that her Dad had lost his long battle with cancer. In...

An Old Story: Let Me Repeat Myself

My Dad had favorite stories he liked to repeat. I remember smiling at one of my brothers or sisters as he told one of those stories, thinking it was the first time we heard it. Each time he repeated a favorite story, it was just a little bit different – or...

Simple is a Thing of Beauty

Simple can be a thing of beauty. Successful techie-types know there is beauty in taking something complex and making it simple for the end-user. Whether you are using the internet, print or social media for communication, Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours....

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