Why Social Media Needs More Lurkers

After the turbulent times of the last few years, social media lurkers may cast a menacing image. So, what would you think about the idea we could use more lurkers? No, not the creepy, threatening kind. But those who actually think before spraying the universe with...

How to Innovate on Demand

Innovate has a bad rep. Along with its cousin, innovation, the word is on more than one hated business jargon list. That’s too bad. The concept of making a change or doing something a new way has brought us some of our best products and ideas. So, for at least today,...

3 Social Media Lessons From an Old Business Writer

Are social media lessons from an old business writer an oxymoron? Depends on your perspective. If you think social media is a young person’s domain, you probably didn’t even get this far into this post. On the other hand, all you have to do is look at the...

3 Sweat-Free New Year Business Resolutions

Do you know what the top New Year resolution has been year after year? Yep, exercise more. It’s a great goal but then there’s the sweat. Maybe that’s why so many New Year resolutions fail – too much sweating involved. Even New Year business resolutions entail...

25+ Overused Business Words With Alternatives

How much do you hate overused business words? Apparently, a lot. This post consistently tops my most visited posts. Many of you offered your own selections. There are so many choices, so little time. Business words and phrases leap from creative to trite faster than...

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