Creating Your Own Social Media Zen

The noise from social media is deafening. Share this Sign up here Score big It’s hard to believe I didn’t join this social, sharing, speed-of-light world before late 2008. But, the freelance nature of my business made ignoring social media self-sabotage....

Ignoring LinkedIn Answers is Not Smart

Responding to blog comments is good business. It acknowledges the reader It shows respect for their time It helps build online relationships It’s logical, right? So, why would someone ignore LinkedIn Answers? Looking for Answers LinkedIn’s feature,...

Business Communication: When Trolling Turns Fishy

Keeping your business communication fresh is both fun and hard work. You tell stories You make videos You write books Inspiration is found in some surprising places, but when you land the big idea, all your hard work pays off. Just make sure that when you are out...

Is LinkedIn Losing Its Identity?

Change comes with the territory. If you participate in social media at all, you experience more than your fair share of change. LinkedIn (LI), the platform that promotes its site as the World’s Largest Professional Network, has introduced a boatload of changes....

LinkedIn Endorsements: Another Meaningless Validation?

If you have been on LinkedIn the last couple of days you probably noticed the networking site’s latest addition – Endorsements Since it is so early in the roll-out, I won’t completely dismiss the idea, but I have my doubts regarding its value. How it...

Photos And Video Users Pinned Down

We live in a visual world. Pew Research dubs our photos and video obsession as social currency. Don’t let that get out We’ll turn into a giant swap meet I suspect it may be too late. Make or Take In its publication, Photos and Videos Are Key Social...

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