Business Communication Basics: The Who, What, Did You?

Samantha’s business communication frustrated her. Oh, she was proud of the content, but no one noticed it. Samantha’s friend, Lucy, suggested maybe it was time to get back to business communication basics. What Are Business Communication Basics? Lucy’s suggestion left...

Do You Have a Xerox Brand Identity Problem?

Imagine your brand becoming a universal business term. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Well, maybe not. Xerox is one company that grappled to change public perception of its brand. The following shares the story of Xerox and other businesses whose brands became more...

15 ‘Tis the Season Post Ideas

Are you taking the rest of the season off? Who could blame you? After the pandemic-induced chaos, putting your feet up to enjoy your favorite brew sounds divine. So you do not have to stress unnecessarily, the following is my gift of 15 season post ideas for your...

11 Fall-Inspired Business Communication Ideas

Do you love the arrival of fall? Scorching temperatures drop. Halloween is around the corner (my favorite holiday). Trees explode with color. As a person who walks five to seven miles a day, I welcome autumn. Not only is it better walking weather, but the scenery is...

3 Second-Nature Marketing Traits That Bury the Competition

Wouldn’t it be great if successful marketing traits were second nature to all businesses? Successful marketing relies on a positive experience for the consumer. Imagine if every time you picked up the phone or went online, you found the perfect solution to what...

3 Business Writing Hits for the Summertime Blues

A global pandemic brings a whole new meaning to summertime blues. August is heading out the door but without as many vacation stories. Kids may actually look forward to going back to school. Hopefully, safely. Thinking about the summertime blues encourages me to put a...

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