Who Are Your Customer Service Heroes?

What do customer service heroes look like? Do they even exist? Think about the last time customer service made you smile. You hear plenty of horror stories. I’ll bet you have more than a few of your own. That’s why we applaud so loudly when we discover...

3 Rehab Tricks for Lousy Customer Service

Be honest. You expect to receive lousy customer service. Right? Sure, you hope customer service surprises you. But how often do they? Unfortunately, customer service is often an equal opportunity offender. We need a sentencing to a rehabilitation program for lousy...

Book Review: I’m Tired of Racism

Sharon Hurley Hall’s I’m Tired of Racism: True Stories of Existing While Black launches October 1, 2022. When Sharon asked if I wanted an advance copy for review, I jumped at the opportunity. I also pre-ordered the book. Sharon is one of my writing heroes....

Are You Ignoring Your Vendor Relationships?

Vendor relationships are like a battery – mostly forgotten until your device dies. Have you been ignoring yours? Two recent encounters with a large company snapped my last nerve due to the company’s habit of ignoring its vendors’ performance. Thus, the inspiration for...

Business Communication: Amazon Delivery Without the Drone

Look to the skies and you may see an Amazon drone delivery coming your way. At least if you live in California and Texas. Although Amazon’s speedy delivery has slipped (in my experience), the company has plenty of Amazon advocates. Wouldn’t it be nice if your...

A Feel Good, Non-Smarmy Guide to Business Communication

Part of the What is Your Purpose series What makes you feel good about a person you meet for the first time? It’s probably not the pushy salesperson. You know the type. With pearly whites flashing, he or she gushes how simply wonderful it is to meet you. That’s...

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