There Goes Facebook Thinking For You Again

We had this discussion before. Why do creators of social media platforms think they know what you want better than you do? Is it job security for programmers? Is that why the changes never stop? Or is it innovation on crack? Once again, Facebook made some major...

Super Simple Facebook SSL Feature

There are computer geeks. Then there are word geeks – like me. Did you know SSL was short for Secure Sockets Layer? I didn’t either – I got the secure part, but sockets? Trust me, you wouldn’t want me anywhere near computer sockets Facebook...

A Customer Service Rant From a Non-Ranter

Admit it – we all love a good rant now and then. Normally, ranting is not my style But, one event that revs my rant meter is — Poor customer service. Customer Service Gone Wrong Allow me to share a recent customer service experience. Sharing sounds so much...

When the Simple WordPress Theme Robs Time

I thought it would be a simple move. I decided to move my personal blog to WordPress. I found a WordPress theme that I liked. It offered lots of options I love options Suddenly, simple options stole my time. Be Careful What You Ask For The creators of the WordPress...

Is LinkedIn InMaps a Useful Tool or Just Another Toy?

LinkedIn® released a new toy for those who love all things techie. InMaps is a visual tool for mapping your network connections. You need at least 50 connections At least 75 percent of your profile must be completed You can share the results You categorize the...

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