Customer Service Surprises Produce Magic

Have you become so accustomed to bad service that good experiences are customer service surprises? How can you avoid a negative view of your own customer service? One way is by surprising your customers – in a good way. The following are examples of customer service...

Customer Service Warning: When Speed Kills

COVID may have killed the idea of customer service speed. Just getting someone to answer is a major challenge. Yet, companies still track metrics for speed. Like how long it takes for a representative to pick up a call or the time it takes for a webpage to load....

How to Stop Randomly Using Racist and Biased Phrases

The origins of words and phrases are fascinating. At least to this word nerd. But what if the word or phrase you use is rooted in racist or biased meaning? Would it change your mind about using that phrase? We all use throwaway, everyday phrases to make a point or...

Positive Customer Service Responses for 3 Thorny Tirades

Do you feel like the phrase positive customer service is a contradiction in terms? Especially after the pandemic. Customer service has become another do-it-yourself response. Forums of users searching for help (from who knows who) Customer service agents without...

3 Smart Ways to Fix Customer Fail

Miranda was happy with her latest email regarding her upcoming webinar. She gave clear instructions for signing up. The sign-up form was simple. And the Help information was prominently displayed. But all she got back was one big customer fail – abandoned...

5 Negative Feedback Situations and How to Respond

Do you silently seethe when you receive negative feedback? Or do fiery words erupt and spew all over the nasty instigator? One fallout of our online world is instant feedback. Comments include both valid and unfair criticism. Some commentary can knock you off your...

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