by Cathy Miller | Oct 6, 2014
One person’s networking is another person’s spam. The LinkedIn networking debate strikes at the core of that dichotomy. What is the LinkedIn networking debate? It starts with LinkedIn’s own User Agreement and its Dos and Don’ts section....
by Cathy Miller | Sep 29, 2014
LinkedIn is like every other social media platform. It stores a ton of user data. Have you ever wondered what kind of data they have on you? Well, now you can get a peek inside. LinkedIn Data LinkedIn announced the roll out of new tools for securing your account data....
by Cathy Miller | Jul 28, 2014
Have you thought of hiring a business ghostwriter? Or perhaps you’re a writer considering this path. A business ghostwriter is often industry-specific. After 30-plus years in the health care and employee benefits industry, I kind of fell into ghostwriting. When...
by Cathy Miller | Jul 21, 2014
My LinkedIn company page delivered a message. Loud and clear. It was not pretty − or unexpected. More like forgotten A boomer brain moment My company page reminded me of a simple, well-known fact. Social media platforms change. Well Duh, right? Maybe this happened to...
by Cathy Miller | Jul 14, 2014
Does your LinkedIn profile maximize the allotted space? Do you know how much space you have? LinkedIn has its fair share of stuff you may not know. Not without digging. The LinkedIn Guide delivers profile, message, and settings stuff so you can see what you’ve...
by Cathy Miller | Jul 7, 2014
Like any new venture, LinkedIn Publishing has some kinks to work out. How the networking site handles those kinks could spell success or failure for the Publishing platform. The following is an unscientific review of early kinks and criticisms. LinkedIn Publishing In...