Have Search Engines Become the Latest AI Murder Victim?

Do you remember when Google had a stranglehold on search engines? Google’s results were so superior, the monstrous tech company’s name became a verb. It seemed like everyone was Googling. Has artificial intelligence (AI) murdered Google and all of its search engine...

What Footprint Does Your Business Writing Leave Behind?

Business writing lives on forever. At least the online versions. Have you thought about what footprint your business writing will leave behind? Earth Day is April 22. It focuses on the state of our planet and sustainability. In honor of Earth Day, this post reviews...

Why Stupid Marketing Deserves No Response

Do you wonder what Emily Post would think of today’s social media world? Do you know who Emily Post is? The Emily Post Institute offers the simplest answer – “…her name is synonymous with manners and etiquette.” The Institute is a fifth...

Does Your Elevator Pitch Take You to the Top?

In this AI era, do you still need an elevator pitch? Picture this. You bump into the CEO of a company you have targeted forever. The CEO asks that simple yet oh-so-complex question. What do you do? You have mere seconds to impress the CEO with your response. Daunting,...

Customer Service Examples to Make You Weep

Customer service is exhausting. We blog about it, rant about it, and take pot shots at the excuses. But a recent good experience brought me back to the topic. Unfortunately, the good experience arrived on the heels of some really bad experiences. So, I’ll share...

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