What Superhero Power Do You Wish You Had?

Growing up, Superman was my favorite superhero. I’m talking about George Reeves. Not Christopher Reeve Or Dean Cain Or any of those who followed It was an era of black and white TV and, in retrospect, comical special effects. But, to a child, Superman’s...

Launch Review Coming Soon

No, It’s not the final launch of the space shuttle, Endeavour. This launch is Mike Stelzner’s new book – Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition. In his new book, Mike – “reveals a new way to grow your business. It’s...

Simply Stated: Holidays Rock

  In honor of Memorial Day here in the United States, the Simply stated blogs are taking the day off. Over at my personal blog, we have some facts and trivia about Memorial Day. Our international friends and colleagues can learn of its origins and evolution Our...

5 Circus Skills Small Business Owners Need

If there is one thing you learn as a small business owner it’s no matter how well you plan, expect the unexpected. I am a business owner who offers business writing services. I had one of those windfalls that brought lots of work. I carefully planned my...

A Simple Sales Solution

What do you think of when you hear the word sales? That probably depends on whether you are the owner or recipient of the sales pitch. If you are on the receiving end, do you – Groan at yet another pitch? Look for the fastest way to disconnect? Block it with your spam...

Does CAN-SPAM Act Exclude PR?

Is your email inbox under attack? Mine is bombarded with unsolicited emails. The latest explosion comes from Public Relations (PR) firms. It’s aggravating There is no link or instructions for getting off their list All because I signed up for a newswire It had...

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