The No Excuses Quarterly Business Review

  Hello – this is your conscience speaking. You know March just ended It’s the end of the 1st quarter If you ignore it, maybe it will go away Is that your approach to taking a pulse on your business? Put away your excuses. If nothing else, at least...

When Familiarity Breeds Content Duds

  In business writing, the more you know, the better your content. Right? Not necessarily Too much of a good thing can kill your content. Here are a few ways familiarity breeds content duds. #1 – You are a subject matter expert You have extensive experience...

7 Business Time-Saving Tips

    Do you feel like daylight saving time might save daylight, but doesn’t do much for your sleep? At least this time of the year The only thing you want to fall back on is your bed For those of us who lost that hour of sleep, here are some ideas for...

Better Silence Than Bad Writing

  There are other calamities in business writing besides writer’s block. You have the ideas But, they are not coming together That’s what happened with today’s post. I wanted to create a tool for business writing It was not happening It has...

The Pebble Effect That Causes Big-Time Business Problems

  Imagine you have a pebble in your shoe. Now imagine you’re a glutton for punishment. What would happen if you continued to walk on it? You’d start favoring that foot That throws off your gait It puts your body out of alignment Your knee hurts...

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