Technical Writing Made Simple, Stupid

You’re a reasonably bright person, right? So, why does technical writing make you feel so stupid? Does this sound familiar? The how-to manual forgets to tell you how Legislation crushes you in cross-references Contracts bind you in legalese All forms of...

Affluent Consumers Give New Meaning to Rich Text

Print is not dead for all consumers. If you buy into the latest survey, marketers may want to include some back-to-the-future print marketing. The 2012 Mendelsohn Affluent survey from global independent market research firm Ipsos, reports ~  82 percent of affluent...

Taking Business Writing Outlines Out of Storage

We love to store stuff. We pay storage unit fees for years We keep downloads indefinitely We dedicate drawers to storing junk When we finally face our storage, we are thrilled when we find something we can actually use. Like business writing outlines. Remember those?...

Simply Stated Business Honoring Labor Day

  I love honoring Labor Day here in the U.S. It means I’m not working Simply stated business will return after the holiday I’ll leave you with a few facts about Labor Day. Enjoy. Labor Day Facts The first Labor Day was observed in 1882 in New York...

Got Your Back Editing And Why You Should Embrace It

Ask business writers what they fear most in copy, chances are they will respond ~ TYPOS I shudder as I write the word. Simple acknowledgement opens the back door to the nasty vermin. Your own editing misses them Typos catch you napping Researchers are baffled on why...

Insight for Newbies Hiring a Business Writer

The Freelancers Union estimates one in three American workers freelance. Businesses rely on freelancers of all shapes and sizes. Business writers Graphic designers Information technology (IT) specialists The independent contractor fills the gap created by an ailing...

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