Solid Business Writing Lessons From Ice Road Truckers

  Have you seen the History channel’s series, Ice Road Truckers? I didn’t know what it was until a client mentioned it. Ice Road Truckers is a TV series about the perils of big-rig truckers who haul loads across dangerous frozen lakes and rivers of...

When Familiarity Breeds Content Duds

  In business writing, the more you know, the better your content. Right? Not necessarily Too much of a good thing can kill your content. Here are a few ways familiarity breeds content duds. #1 – You are a subject matter expert You have extensive experience...

Better Silence Than Bad Writing

  There are other calamities in business writing besides writer’s block. You have the ideas But, they are not coming together That’s what happened with today’s post. I wanted to create a tool for business writing It was not happening It has...

Online Writing’s Top 10 Styles We Love to Hate

  Estimates put the number of pages on the internet at a cool trillion. How someone arrives at that figure is beyond me It’s probably the same folks who estimate the national debt Needless to say, there’s a bunch of stuff on the internet....

Fear Tactic Headlines That Have You Clicking Delete

  Every good business writer understands the value of a good headline. There are blog posts, books and course content all dealing with the attention-grabbing headline. One tactic for expressing urgency and offering help is the use of fear. You tap into the...

Does Your Business Writing Embrace the Imagination?

Business writing often gets a bad rap. It’s boring It’s forgettable It’s painful If your business writing fits one or all of those descriptions, you need to ask yourself, Why? Perhaps – You lack the passion for your business The person doing your...

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