Technical Writing Made Simple, Stupid

You’re a reasonably bright person, right? So, why does technical writing make you feel so stupid? Does this sound familiar? The how-to manual forgets to tell you how Legislation crushes you in cross-references Contracts bind you in legalese All forms of...

Taking Business Writing Outlines Out of Storage

We love to store stuff. We pay storage unit fees for years We keep downloads indefinitely We dedicate drawers to storing junk When we finally face our storage, we are thrilled when we find something we can actually use. Like business writing outlines. Remember those?...

5 Business Writing Tips From the Pros

What do you think of when you hear the term business writing? A corporate report? A technical white paper? Something boring and bad? If you own a business, you do some form of business writing. Emails Blog posts Social media marketing Assuming you don’t hire a...

Why Do We Make Writing So Complicated?

  We love simple. Software that makes tasks easier Gadgets that organize our life Connection at our fingertips One of the most visited posts at this blog is Why is it so Hard to Keep it Simple? There’s obviously an interest in simple. So why do we make...

Better Business Writing: A Simple Infographic

With a shout-out to my writer friend, Anne Wayman, for the inspiration with her simple infographic for getting published. Here is my own feeble attempt. It’s what this blog is all about – better business writing. I hope you enjoy its simplicity. I will be...

Business Writing Even Goldilocks Would Like

  Don’t you love metaphors? They make the complex simple And the forgettable memorable A recent post at Business Writing Blog offered a great metaphor about business writing. A reader shared his desire for conciseness. He expressed it this way. “If my...

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