Solid Business Writing Lessons From Ice Road Truckers

  Have you seen the History channel’s series, Ice Road Truckers? I didn’t know what it was until a client mentioned it. Ice Road Truckers is a TV series about the perils of big-rig truckers who haul loads across dangerous frozen lakes and rivers of...

3 Business Writing Ideas From a Pet Rock

  Maybe you have been writing a long time. Or perhaps writing is not your thing. Whatever the reason, it is easy for your business writing to get stale – or the dreaded B word – boring. It happens to the best of us. Here is a trick I use to jumpstart...

The No Excuses Quarterly Business Review

  Hello – this is your conscience speaking. You know March just ended It’s the end of the 1st quarter If you ignore it, maybe it will go away Is that your approach to taking a pulse on your business? Put away your excuses. If nothing else, at least...

Why the New Facebook Timeline Has Me Smirking

  There hasn’t been this much press since Y2K. Remember how the world was supposed to crash when we hit the year 2000? Now the looming date of doom is March 30, 2012 – the day Facebook forces its timeline on users. There are emails reminding business...

LinkedIn Beta Needs Bit More Work

The LinkedIn blog introduced a new beta program updating its People You May Know feature. Here is a quick video and my take on the beta program. Who Are These People? Have you looked at the beta program? Are your recommended connections more accurate and relevant?...

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