How to Bullet-Proof Your Technical Presentation

I bet you know this. You heard or read it a million times. Slide presentations stuffed with bullet points and text bore the heck out of your audience. You may have been one of the bored audience members – multiple times. But how many of you, despite your experience,...

7 Tips for Finding the Right Business Writer

Have you seen the commercials about a mom’s over-protective nature toward her first child? By the second child, Mom relaxed the tight reins. When it comes to your business, do you feel like the first-child mom? The business is your baby You’ve nurtured its...

Does Outsourcing Your Business Writing Make Cents?

Are you on the fence about outsourcing your business writing? Is your business too small to afford professional business writing? Are you large enough to have your own communications department? If so, how does outsourcing your business writing make sense? Bottom...

3 Easy Bio Building Blocks

Social media is an impatient platform. What’s trending today is forgotten tomorrow. Who would believe we’d be losing the attention span race to goldfish? Unless you don’t believe that tale. Regardless, you have probably experienced how difficult it...

LinkedIn ProFinder Misses a Major Freelance Concept

Do you know about LinkedIn ProFinder? Chances are, you may not. For some reason, the networking platform launched the new service with very little fanfare. Surprising, since at least one LinkedIn expert labels it a game changer. And the way they are rolling out the...

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