Business Communication Just Because

Do you feel bombarded by marketing messages? Is there an avalanche of emails burying your inbox? If you feel that way, chances are your customers do, too. So, what can you do to make your business communication rise above the onslaught? Sprinkle in some just because...

When I Works in Business Communication

Did the, I works, in the headline make you pause? Especially on the heels of a grammar post. But the use of the phrase was intentional. It’s a warning about the Evil I in business communication, lurking amid good intentions. What is the Evil I? And how do you overcome...

How Targeting Middle Management Trumps the C-Suite

Do you think your ideal marketing target is the C-suite? You know, one of those Chiefs – chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO), or chief whatever officer (CWO). But should that be your target? Your chief target? Sorry, couldn’t resist. The...

3 Simple Communication Tips to Improve Your Hiring Process

During some time in your life, you will encounter the hiring process. You may be the one seeking a job or the recruiter looking for candidates. Even if your company is just you, you can struggle with the hiring process. You hire companies or individuals for personal...

Tools for Avoiding Grammar Pitfalls

Grammar is like math. Some of us cringe when we hear the term. Others find the topic endlessly fascinating. Regardless of which camp you fall into, good grammar builds a solid foundation for your business communication. Grammar is the GPS to better business...

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