Word Pet Peeves Are a Sure Winner

If you want a sure-fire way for generating passionate responses, ask readers about their pet peeves. Responses to a discussion started in a LinkedIn® group are exploding like New Year’s finest bubbly. The author of the question asked for input on – Commonly...

Communications is No Longer a Fluff Job

  There was a time when a communications job was considered “fluff.” Fluff is a technical term that means – The first job to go when there are budget cuts A job that is not a “real” job The job where you play with pictures all day Some...

Is Good Business Writing Lost?

You see it all the time — the battle of the traditionalist versus the new age. I probably lost major credits with the use of “new age.” There are grammar purists And Be Yourself bliss There is 140-character marketing And predictions of email death What...

What the Best Ghostwriters Do to Be the Best

In a previous post, I established that I love, love, love being a ghostwriter. The fact that I do, often surprises me As a middle child of seven, I certainly have a healthy ego It’s that need to be heard But, it’s my love of storytelling that trumps any...

More Social Media Experts-Just What the World Needs

I used to joke with my Information Technology (IT) buddies that they had the best job in the world. They could tell us anything Most of the world wouldn’t know if they were right or not Well, step aside IT. Meet the new “best job” – social...

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