Free Holiday Social Icon Set

Here is a fun treat for the holidays — A free holiday social icon set. Created by Mommy23Monkeys, Rhea, the icon set are snow globe icons. I met Rhea via Twitter as a fellow walker in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for Breast Cancer. Unfortunately, the monsoons and...

Health Care Tuesday Looks at Baby Boomer Caretakers

It’s Health Care Tuesday at my health care blog. Since the post this week has a social media theme, I am posting it here and at Simply stated health care. Boomer Caretakers Look to Social Media for Help Posted at Simply stated health care...

Are You a Social Media Snow Hermit?

After spending nearly 30 years in southern California, snow was not a frequent sight. When almost a foot of snow fell last week here in Idaho, I contemplated becoming a snow hermit. You know the kind – hole up until the snow melts – that way you...

Is Your Text Causing a Titan-sized Problem?

NFL football coach, Jeff Fisher, is not “a real big text guy.” So, when Tennessee Titan quarterback, Vince Young, used text for an apology following a conflict, he wasted his thumb time. Different Strokes The Titan coach had more to say about his...

Do You Have a Facebook Hang-up?

If social media overwhelms, Facebook is the giant steamroller. Everywhere you go, someone is talking, writing, complaining about Facebook. Why are we all so hung up on Facebook? Friend or Foe? The only reason I signed up was for my business. Yet, I have done very...

Are You Phoning in Your Business Blog?

It seemed the right thing to do – create a business blog. Your competitors had one Your clients are avid internet users You created the proper fanfare. You developed an editorial calendar You put someone in charge of managing the blog You marketed the debut of...

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