Have Search Engines Become the Latest AI Murder Victim?

Do you remember when Google had a stranglehold on search engines? Google’s results were so superior, the monstrous tech company’s name became a verb. It seemed like everyone was Googling. Has artificial intelligence (AI) murdered Google and all of its search engine...

Have We Lost Simple Communication?

Have we lost the simplest form of communication – the voice? No, not the popular singing competition. The human voice. The one that has much to say (at times, too much). Have you noticed how often this simple communication goes missing? Or is that just me? Situations...

I Have WordPress-Now What?

Carmen finally took the leap and left her corporate career. She entered the scary world of small business ownership – just in time for Halloween. Appropriate, she thought. She knew she needed to set up a website for her new business. After doing her homework, she...

Are AI Collaborative Articles Worth Your Time?

Did you ever imagine collaborating with artificial intelligence (AI)? Strange bedfellows indeed. AI infiltrates our online world from search engines to articles and the images we view. So, who is really in control? Perhaps to prove it’s the humans running the...

Why Social Media Needs More Lurkers

After the turbulent times of the last few years, social media lurkers may cast a menacing image. So, what would you think about the idea we could use more lurkers? No, not the creepy, threatening kind. But those who actually think before spraying the universe with...

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