Business Blog Post Protection

You create a great business blog post, hit Publish, and send your embarrassing moment into infinity and beyond. Or perhaps it’s a brilliant post, but you are the only one reading it. Whether you are new at business blogging or a veteran, you are certainly not...

How Social Media Delivers a False Sense of Security

Remember the good old days when you felt red-faced over a misrouted email? Today, the lack of security on what we post through social media can have a much more devastating effect. Under attack from a barrage of criticism over its privacy settings, Facebook announced...

How to Create a Community With Creativity

Creative Copy Challenge (CCC) is a shining example of the all the good things about social media communities. The brainchild of Shane Arthur, CCC underscores the theme of this blog – Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours. Shane took a simple idea, created a...

Poor Business Writing Cost Billions

Recently, I came across a pretty startling statistic. A survey of 120 major American corporations estimated firms spent $3.1 billion on employee deficiencies in business writing. The survey reported that two-thirds or more of salaried employees had some responsibility...

Is Ghost Blogging Unethical?

In a recent post, I listed the reasons why I love ghostwriting. Primarily, it centered on ghostwriting industry articles. An apparent controversy in the blogging world is the existence of ghost blogging – using a ghostwriter to create blog posts. I admit it. I...

Social Media Means Sharing

Just about every blog has some variation on sharing. It’s the value behind the whole social media revolution. But, how often do we forget about that? What got me thinking about this whole “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours,” evolved from...

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