Social Media Means Sharing

by | Mar 20, 2010

Just about every blog has some variation on sharing. It’s the value behind the whole social media revolution. But, how often do we forget about that?

What got me thinking about this whole “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours,” evolved from a recent phone conversation I had with a customer. Before we started our discussion on our next project, my client wanted me to know how much he liked a ghostwritten article I had written for him. He told me how much he admired my talent. Wow.

My client’s simple thank you did more for my week than any motivational tape or paycheck ever could. Before you think this is just a post for self-promotion, I promise I have a point.

Sharing is more than a Re-tweet,,, or whatever other social bookmarking you use. It’s also a simple thank you – or – a “well done.” It’s recommending someone else’s work without being asked. It’s when you  pay it forward.

I’m not a big fan of most commercials. I thought that even the Super Bowl commercials were lousy this year. But, this commercial I love. It illustrates what I’m talking about. It’s slowing down, just a little bit, from our busy life to pay it forward. It’s about saying thank you.

So, make somene’s day – let them know how much you appreciate what they’ve done. They just might pay it forward.


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