When Technology Leaves You Feeling Deflated

Technology has failed me once again. This time it’s not earth-shattering, time-wasting, primal-screaming technology failure. It’s the “best laid plans” type of failure. Comic Relief A while back I discovered Bitstrips, where you can create your...

Add 3 Cups of Sharing and Mix

Social media is supposed to be all about sharing. Some would say there is way too much sharing, but my take is it’s only sharing if you accept it. And even if you accept it, it’s up to you whether or not you use it. Recipe for Sharing Here’s my...

Shouldn’t Change Start With Customers?

Two recent changes in social media world had me thinking, “Did you even ask your customers?” Don’t Tick Off 3-Day Walkers The first took place on Facebook. I am participating in my 7th Susan G. Komen, 3-Day, 60-mile Walk for Breast Cancer. I have to...

Should Typos Cost You a Job?

There is an interesting discussion going on regarding typos in resumes at a group in LinkedIn®. A question to human resource (HR) professionals asked if they automatically rejected resumes with typos in the resume, cover letter or email. Typo Tally Here are the...

How and Why Twitter Followers Latch On

I am certainly no Twitter expert. I am slowly growing my followers, but I really wonder how some followers latch on and why they want to. One such Twitter follower specializes in discussions on light bladder leakage, known in close circles as LBL. The How Now, I ask...

When Stupid Customers Attack

Have you ever been frustrated by a stupid customer? Go on, admit it. There are times where it’s a good thing your facial reaction is not onscreen when you are asked something really stupid. In an earlier post, I shared the frustrations of a bad day with...

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