What’s All the Skype About?

I first heard of Skype when I bought a new laptop a couple of years ago. Then Skype hit it big when the golden touch of Oprah started using it for live video interviews. The latest to link to the Skype view is ABC News. Is this great technology or a sign of our tough...

Facebook and Other Social Media-Stop Thinking for Us

Do the architects of social media platforms believe users are incapable of knowing what’s good for them? The evidence seems to indicate that. It’s Your Choice – Sort Of Right on the heels of my post on unannounced changes by various social media...

5 Things I Learned From Ultimate Blog Challenge

It’s day 30 of the 30-day Ultimate Blog Challenge. My results exceeded my expectations. No, I did not become the #1 blog in the blogosphere – go figure. I don’t think I want that. I certainly don’t expect that. Blog Boost I learned some...

Baby Boomers Rock Social Media

Social media users increased from 22 percent to 42 percent in the over 50 age group. Baby boomers rock. Tweet This A survey conducted by Pew Research Center reported the dramatic growth in social media use amongst baby boomers. Here are some of the highlights of the...

Think Before You Leap Into Your Business Blog

Eighty-one percent of marketers plan to increase the use of blogs in their business. It is number one on their strategy list. That is according to the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. Caution Ahead Perhaps the reason businesses leap into the blogosphere is...

Blogging Tips, Tools & Trivia

I am on the home stretch for the Ultimate Blog Challenge. My posts that received the most comments (so far) are those that offered some of the basics about blogging. Seeking Answers Since the theme of this blog is Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours, I found...

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