Think Before You Leap Into Your Business Blog

by | Aug 27, 2010

Goldfish jumpingEighty-one percent of marketers plan to increase the use of blogs in their business.

It is number one on their strategy list.

That is according to the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.

Caution Ahead

Perhaps the reason businesses leap into the blogosphere is the ease of implementation. Like any marketing strategy, planning for a business blog is an essential step.

The New York Times made a splash last year when it reported that 95 percent of blogs are abandoned. Granted, the statistic includes the avalanche of personal blogs, but it makes the point – think before you leap into your business blog.

Things to Think About

Here are just a few ideas for consideration before starting a business blog.

1. Why do you want a business blog?

Perhaps you feel you are running to catch the train. Everyone has a business blog, so you should, too. If you think it supports the marketing plan for your business, you are on the right track, but consider these other questions.

2. Is a business blog the best tool for your business?

Most businesses do not have an abundance of time and resources for marketing.

The top three social media tools used by marketers are Twitter, Facebook and LinkedInfollowed by a blog.

Consider the tools that provide your business with the most bang for your buck. Your strategy may be a focus on just one platform or a combination of two to three. What is the best platform(s) for your customers? What are your competitors doing?

One strategy is using the blog as the hub and driving all other social media efforts to the blog. Think about the time commitment and resources.

3. What do you want from your business blog?

If you are a thought leader, a blog is a good platform for getting your ideas out. If you want to create leads, think about how you can capture contact information without chasing away prospects.

For example, requiring registration before visitors can comment on a post puts most people off. Consider offering free reports, white papers or other helpful information for capturing contact information.

4. What is the theme of your business blog?

If you are going to have a business blog, what is the theme? Think about your targeted audience and deliver what they want to read.

Give them something to care about, something of value to them, so they return. Your theme guides readers in what they can expect from your blog.

5. How will you manage the commitment?

Consistency is the name of the game for a blog. You do not have to publish content every day, but consistency counts. A common recommendation is posting at least three times a week.

That is a huge time and resources commitment. Consider how you will manage the blog. Plan your categories, your topics, and the individuals to deliver the content.

Guest blogging is a good alternative, but make sure the post supports your marketing plan and theme. Ghost blogging – hiring someone to write posts for your business – is another strategy.

A business blog is a good marketing strategy for many businesses, small or large – business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C). Like all things business, careful planning is the key to success.

What tips do you have for business blogs?


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This is Day 27 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge – blogging every day for 30 days. I hope you’ll stop by often and offer your suggestions for topics and offer your comments. You can add the RSS feed or sign up by email to receive new posts. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Pieco Instruments

    This blog is natural, positively help full for a business man, but we are not favour-of Ghost Blogging.

  2. Cathy

    I know a lot of people feel that way about ghost blogging. I have done ghost blogging and I think it can work if you stay true to the person.

    My link in the post connects to a previous post I did on ghost blogging. It certainly is a hot topic in the blogging world.

    Thank you for sharing your view.


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