Try LinkedIn if You’re Stuck on Blog Topics

Most people associate LinkedIn® with networking. It can also be a great source for blog topics. You have to register (no fee) for LinkedIn® to get access to the basic services. You can also upgrade (fee-based) for additional options. For my niche, LinkedIn® is a...

Tying A Noose on Newsletter Subscriptions

You find a blog you really like, so you sign up for their newsletter. Next thing you know, your Inbox is jammed with newsletters you delete every month without reading. Are newsletters still a good marketing strategy? Opt In Remorse I guess the answer to that question...

Do Online Rants Go Too Far?

Who doesn’t love a good online rant – besides the target of the rant? Rant Retribution An article, Increasingly, Online Rants Proving Costly, by David G. Savage of the Tribune Washington Bureau, has been making the rounds on sites and newspapers. The...

Do Your Post Photos Reveal Deep, Dark Secrets?

Most blog posts have them – stock photos creating a visual message. Are there deep, dark secrets lurking behind your selection? Your photo selection is the window to your soul – okay, maybe not, but… Your post photos reveal a lot about you. Photo...

Monday Signals Social Media Kickoff

Monday kicks the week off with hope – and apparently lots of social media. Daily Blog Tips cites internet studies that show Monday and Tuesday generally receive the highest amount of traffic for blogs. Hopefully, that means most people enjoy their weekends and...

Do You Hate Technology Changes?

Technology is amazing. In a previous post, I asked if we are spoiled by its results. A family member shared this funny video that gives a different perspective on technology. Light Speed It is overwhelming just trying to keep up with the changes in technology. The...

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