7 Freelance Business Writing Surprises

After 30 years in Corporate America, I started my freelance business writing career in 2008. The number one lesson I learned? No matter how prepared you are — prepare to be surprised. Do As I Say Being a true southerner, my father had a treasure trove of sayings. An...

More Social Media Experts-Just What the World Needs

I used to joke with my Information Technology (IT) buddies that they had the best job in the world. They could tell us anything Most of the world wouldn’t know if they were right or not Well, step aside IT. Meet the new “best job” – social...

30 Internet Acronyms for the Uneducated

As long as there have been words, someone felt the need for acronyms. I spent 30+ years in one of the richest acronym industry – insurance But, no one can surpass the grand daddy of acronyms – the internet Continuing Education I have always been one of...

Is Your Profile Photo Really That Important?

Does networking success depend on your profile photo? Some LinkedIn® members think so. Ready for My Close-up A question posed in the Answers section of LinkedIn® asked members what they thought was the single most important part of their profile. My immediate thought...

Did I Kill Social Bookmarking?

They say timing is everything. Just last week, I created a post about social bookmarking. I admitted I was extremely late to the game. Turns out, that might be a good thing. Cutting Edge I never said I was on the cutting edge of technology. I have this tendency to...

Amazon Takes on Miss Manners

It’s happened to all of us. We unwrap a gift and find something that defies description. Our first thought is “Regift.” Amazon may have another idea – but does it pass the Miss Manners test? Holiday Reject Amazon, the e-commerce giant, obtained...

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