Should Your Business Blog Stand Alone?

  Is your business blog an enabler or a deterrent? There is an interesting discussion going on in a copywriter group at LinkedIn. Should your blog be a part of your business site – or– Should it be separate and send readers to your site? It’s not a new...

Do You Sell Your Customers Short?

  Perhaps it’s semantics. The way we define customers differs for some. In the post, Your Best Bang for Your Marketing Collateral, one reader had a different view of the recommendation, Understand your customers. The reader reacted to the use of the word...

Why the New Facebook Timeline Has Me Smirking

  There hasn’t been this much press since Y2K. Remember how the world was supposed to crash when we hit the year 2000? Now the looming date of doom is March 30, 2012 – the day Facebook forces its timeline on users. There are emails reminding business...

LinkedIn Beta Needs Bit More Work

The LinkedIn blog introduced a new beta program updating its People You May Know feature. Here is a quick video and my take on the beta program. Who Are These People? Have you looked at the beta program? Are your recommended connections more accurate and relevant?...

Pain-free LinkedIn Recommendations Video is Here

Year after year, this blog’s most popular post for traffic is Writing LinkedIn Recommendations You Actually Like.  Do you stress over LinkedIn recommendations? I created this 10-minute video that offers a simple structure for creating LinkedIn recommendations....

The Great Open Links Debate: Where Do You Stand?

  Social media – you gotta love it. Where else can you find a debate on whether or not you should use a new window to open a link? As a firm believer in the right to do your own thing, I figured that’s why the gods of the internet give you a choice....

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