LinkedIn Endorsements: Another Meaningless Validation?

If you have been on LinkedIn the last couple of days you probably noticed the networking site’s latest addition – Endorsements Since it is so early in theĀ roll-out, I won’t completely dismiss the idea, but I have my doubts regarding its value. How it...

Photos And Video Users Pinned Down

We live in a visual world. Pew Research dubs our photos and video obsession as social currency. Don’t let that get out We’ll turn into a giant swap meet I suspect it may be too late. Make or Take In its publication, Photos and Videos Are Key Social...

How to Change Facebook Ad Settings That Share Your Photos

Anyone who spends any time on Facebook understands that the platform works on an opt-out basis instead of opt-in. The latest setting (you may be unaware of) deals with the default account setting that authorizes Facebook to use your photos in ads targeting your...

3 Guest Blogging Spam Recipes

  There’s been a lot written about guest blogging. Some positive Some headlining as the next rant A recent post on social media takersĀ surprised me with the amount of passion over the guest blogger spam attack. Blog hosts are fed up with this form of social...

Social Media Takers and How to Spot Them

  We constantly seek ways to encourage others to share our online content. We have social media share buttons And more social networking sites than we can count Social media sharing can put your business on the map – the top of the almighty Google search...

Social Media Loses in TKO With Time

In boxing, a TKO is a Technical Knock Out. The fight stops as one boxer is unable to safely continue The other boxer is named the winner In a fight against time, social media loses in a TKO. Saving Time Do you ever feel like no one reads beyond 140 characters? We...

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