LinkedIn Changes to Terms of Service

LinkedIn® changes to their Terms of Service (TOS) went into effect March 26, 2014. Did you review them? If you’re like most of us, probably not Since they came smack dab in the middle of my unscientific poll of LinkedIn members, I thought I should take a peek....

LinkedIn Members Voice Opinions

LinkedIn® members total over 250 million. My little poll barely scratched the surface But who doesn’t want to be heard? LinkedIn’s Clashing Cultures discussed a shifting culture in the business networking platform. My poll asked LinkedIn® members (who are...

LinkedIn’s Clashing Cultures

LinkedIn launched in 2003. In over a decade of existence, the professional networking site introduced plenty of changes. Some cosmetic Others more fundamental Depending on your perspective, you may or may not applaud those changes. In my five years as a LinkedIn...

LinkedIn Introductions Gone Bad

Introductions are an important part of business networking. Professionals introduce clients to other clients Colleagues introduce people with similar interests When done right, you look like a hero. As LinkedIn promotes its product as the World’s Largest...

What Are Your Customers Really Saying?

I love the generosity of my writer friends. When I put out a call for guest posts while I was walking my 10th 60-mile, 3-Day Walk for the Cure, they responded – in spades. I met Luana Spinetti through the wonders of our global world. Her creativity takes shape...

5 Simple Ideas for Customer Connections During the Holidays

Are the holidays your busiest time for your business? Or is this the time of year where business slows as customers turn to their home life? Whichever description fits your business, keep your connection with customers. The following are simple ideas for better...

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