Social Media Filter-Algorithms or Something Worse?

Do you wonder how the heck certain emails get past the spam filter? Emails with blatant abuse. Right there in the headline. Yet somehow, they get through to your inbox while Aunt Mary’s latest email is sent to Junk Jail. Search engines and social media platforms...

Is Your Message a Symphony of Silence?

The struggle to have your message heard is real. Words contain such raw power. Leaders use them to rally others or comfort those in need The wrong words can create chaos and confusion And at their worst, words inflict pain A message heard ignites power – the power to...

Why You Being Heard Trumps Being Liked

Being heard. How that concept has changed in 2020. When I first wrote this post in 2011, my intent was presenting the idea from a business communication perspective. I find it quite humorous that back in 2011, I used the verb “Trumps” in the title. Another term that...

The Coronavirus Customer Service Test

Who knew a virus would be the ultimate test of a company’s customer service? Historically, customer service complaints have been the norm for a large number of businesses. Could the coronavirus be a customer service wake-up call? So far, the pandemic has had...

5 Social Media Spring Cleaning Ideas

Spring may be just what we need. As I update this post, the Coronavirus  (COVID-19) confines us to our homes (at least I hope that’s what you’re doing). Springtime is a rebirth. And, hopefully, a departure from winter’s cold and snow and our fears...

Okay, Boomer, You Like Your Digital Life, Too

What a difference a decade makes in our digital world. And not only for younger generations. The baby boomer generation is rockin’ its own digital life. In 2010, a Pew Research report focused on internet usage, including: Generating email, joining social...

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