Remember the Point of Your Business – Your Customers

Nothing like a global pandemic to change your perspective on your business and your customers. Have you lost business? Even long-time customers? Or, as they say in Shark Tank, did you pivot to ride out the pandemic tsunami? It is easy to panic but if you remember the...

Writing LinkedIn Recommendations You Actually Like

Don’t you love inspiration? You never know where it is going to come from. Recently, I had such an epiphany about LinkedIn Recommendations. Now, stop groaning. Writing LinkedIn Recommendations is seldom on anyone’s favorite To Do list. I hope this post can...

3 Social Media Lessons From an Old Business Writer

Are social media lessons from an old business writer an oxymoron? Depends on your perspective. If you think social media is a young person’s domain, you probably didn’t even get this far into this post. On the other hand, all you have to do is look at the...

Automation Mistakes: What Not to Say in Response

Automation is great. Except when it’s not. From the automated email with the wrong name to sending stimulus checks to the wrong account, mistakes happen. There’s a reason they call it artificial intelligence. How do you respond when a customer complains...

5 Simple Mind-Mapping Tricks for Business Blog Posts

Are you stalled for blog post ideas? This recently revised video offers 5 simple mind-mapping tricks so you can produce blog magic. What do I mean by mind mapping? In this context, it’s a tool to help you through those blog post idea barriers. This mind-mapping...

Creating a Better Professional Bio

Do you panic when you’re asked for a copy of your professional bio? You’re not alone. Maybe you’re not even sure what that is. The following is your guide to defining a professional bio and how you can create a better one. What is a Professional Bio?...

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