5 Smart Tips that Don’t Dumb Down Your Business Content

Are you in a highly competitive, technical field? You need to prove you know what you’re doing. You don’t want to dumb down your business communication too much, right? True. But do you know how much is too much? Dumb Down Debate Perhaps it’s the term that makes...

It’s Love Your Copyeditor Day

Do you love your copyeditor? Maybe that copyeditor is you. Way back in 2011, I made up Copyeditor Day. But don’t you think they deserve some credit? Or if you do your own copyediting, maybe you should pat yourself on your back. Recognizing Copyeditor Day (even if it’s...

Why Social Media Needs More Lurkers

After the turbulent times of the last few years, social media lurkers may cast a menacing image. So, what would you think about the idea we could use more lurkers? No, not the creepy, threatening kind. But those who actually think before spraying the universe with...

5 Simple Ways You Lose Credibility Without Even Trying

How would you rate your credibility in the work you do? We humans tend to be a skeptical bunch. So, credibility means everything when promoting a product or service. But you’re not home free once you do gain consumer trust. You can shoot holes in your...

When Success Loses Customers

What business owner doesn’t hope for success? Especially after a year like 2020. But did you know that sometimes success loses customers? How? Let me give you a few examples. Success and Customers Think about some of the huge businesses – Apple, Microsoft, Google,...

A Word LinkedIn Job Posters Should Understand

Have you checked out positions placed by LinkedIn job posters? Did you find the perfect fit or did the description fail to match the title? A well-crafted job posting helps companies find the ideal candidate. A good match relies on the words used to describe...

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