Is Good Business Writing Lost?

You see it all the time — the battle of the traditionalist versus the new age. I probably lost major credits with the use of “new age.” There are grammar purists And Be Yourself bliss There is 140-character marketing And predictions of email death What...

Typos in Resumes Still a Hot Discussion

In a post written seven months ago, the topic was typos. The post shared very early results of a question presented in a LinkedIn® Group for human resource (HR) professionals. It asked if HR professionals automatically rejected candidates with typos in their resume,...

When the Simple WordPress Theme Robs Time

I thought it would be a simple move. I decided to move my personal blog to WordPress. I found a WordPress theme that I liked. It offered lots of options I love options Suddenly, simple options stole my time. Be Careful What You Ask For The creators of the WordPress...

Why RSS Versus Email Says Don’t Assume Too Much

When you find a blog you like, which do you do? RSS or Email subscription? Do you have a choice? The answers to those questions warn us of the danger of assuming too much. Simple Assumptions For some, setting up blogs and how readers subscribe may fall into false...

Florist Blows Off Writer’s Block by Getting Really Mad

The very idea of writer’s block is enough to make you mad —really, really mad. Don’t you hate the screaming silence of a wordless page? Turns out, getting mad is a good way to blow off writer’s block And it took a florist to show me how. A Maddening...

6 Ways Business Communication is Like Chopped

Are you a fan of Food Network’s Chopped? It is one of my favorites. If you haven’t seen the show, here is a brief rundown. Four chefs compete against each other for a $10,000 prize They must make a three-course meal – an appetizer, entree and dessert...

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