Fear Tactic Headlines That Have You Clicking Delete

  Every good business writer understands the value of a good headline. There are blog posts, books and course content all dealing with the attention-grabbing headline. One tactic for expressing urgency and offering help is the use of fear. You tap into the...

Top 3 Symptoms Your Business Blog Reeks

Lousy business blogs are an equal opportunity offender. Any size company can have a case of blogitis If you are phoning in your business blog, hang up on that practice The first step in the cure is diagnosing the disease by identifying common symptoms. Symptom #1...

Posts 1-What I Want to Learn Video 0

  In case you are wondering about the status of the posts on my What I Want to Learn list, there are four topics down and three to go. I planned a video update. It would have been my first in front of the camera. After my writer friend, Sharon Hurley Hall,...

Does Your Business Writing Embrace the Imagination?

Business writing often gets a bad rap. It’s boring It’s forgettable It’s painful If your business writing fits one or all of those descriptions, you need to ask yourself, Why? Perhaps – You lack the passion for your business The person doing your...

The Abridged What I Want to Learn List

In a previous post, a simple, three-step plan killed two birds with one stroke. It ensures an endless supply of business blog post ideas It prevents being overwhelmed by new information It starts with the What I Want to Learn list. How Much Time Do We Have? If I...

Business Writing That Takes You From Whining to Smiling

Look around social media and what complaints do you hear over an over? What do I write about? All the change is overwhelming At the risk of sounding like Little Miss Sunshine – Turn those complaints into solutions. You can become the hero of your customers and have...

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