Business Writing Purists and Textists Are Back

We all have opinions on what makes good business writing. The post Can the Business Writing Purist and Textist Get Along? received quite a bit of traffic. That’s not unusual when you discuss old school versus the new social media era. The heart of business...

Walk in my Shoes Business Writing

Good business writing connects you to your reader. An email informs A blog post educates A video entertains Whether the purpose of your business writing is to inform, educate or entertain, your reader defines your success. If there is a disconnect between your...

3 Wise Monkey Test Makes Slideshare Debut

Who knew how much love was out there for the 3 wise monkeys? See no evil Hear no evil Speak no evil The 3 Wise Monkey Test for Business Communication has been one of this blog’s most popular posts. Frankly, I was a bit surprised. People seem to connect to those...

Are Complex Words Over-Seasoning Your Business Writing

Complex words are the Cajun spice of business writing. A little goes a long way. There are times when complex words are necessary. Scientific writing comes to mind. And there is nothing wrong with sprinkling a few to avoid blandness. But, overdo the spice of complex...

3 Tips for Business Writing Zen

Few of us who work for a living escape the need for business writing. Emails Social media Business blogs Any time we write for and about our work, we become business writers. Scary thought? What’s scarier is if you don’t think about your business writing....

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