How Handwriting Helps You Become a Better Writer

by | Aug 26, 2013

bigstock-Feather-pen--editing-writing--46329568Are we in danger of losing the skill of handwriting?

Our fingers fly across letters to form our words on physical and onscreen keyboards.

And schools debate the value of teaching handwriting.

But, did you know handwriting helps you become a better writer?

Yep, good old pen and paper.

Handwriting Analysis

If you are like me, you are baffled why schools debate the value of handwriting.

  • Some question teaching handwriting in our digital world
  • Others target cursive (script) writing for extinction

In fact, some states already dropped cursive from their curricula.

Yet studies show there is more to handwriting than an archaic form of communication.

Beyond Science

Several studies report the following benefits of cursive writing.

  • Cognitive and motor skills development
  • Literacy development
  • Brain development
  • Memory enhancement
  • Better written expression
  • Improved learning for those with learning disabilities

There is a great deal of passion (pro and con) surrounding the topic.

Let’s look at this from a writer’s perspective.

Writing at Its Purist

Writer Joanne Chen described writing with just pen and paper and my own thoughts.

“It was so…quiet. I felt as if I had been lifted out of a noisy shopping mall and deposited at the library.”

Is Handwriting Becoming Extinct? Martha Stewart Living, September 2013


The author wrote the above article by hand.

  • Have you ever done that?
  • Have you tried writing the old fashioned way?
  • Just pen, paper, and your own thoughts

Many of us keep handwritten journals. Or perhaps you dabble in poetry.

Isn’t it interesting how cursive writing is okay for poetry, but not other forms?

Think about that the next time you’re stuck on your business writing.

  • When the typing falters
  • And the mind goes blank

Pick up a pen and paper.

Allow your mind to form words, ideas – instead of listening to the clacking of individual letters.

Imagine the whole, rather than the parts.

Let the letters flow in connected energy to shape the brilliance of your mind.

Handwriting works. Why not revisit an old friend?

Do you still use your handwriting skills?


Helping you Keep it simple, clear & uniquely yours – contact me for help with your business writing needs.


BigStock Photo Credit



  1. Raul

    My handwriting has always been very complicated to understand even by myself. The past 9 months I have been writing more on paper and I have seen how I have improved not only my handwriting but even developing ideas.

    As a Business strategist and blogger I have to say that as much as a Technologist that I am good old paper and pen allow our minds and brains to work in a more effective and effient manner.

    • Cathy

      Thank you for sharing your story, Raul. I don’t remember exactly why, but I stopped cursive writing and almost exclusively print when I write.

      The only cursive I used was my signature. When I was researching this post, I tried cursive again. It was amazing how awkward it felt. But, it did get better the more I used it. Makes me want to return to that lost art. 🙂

      Thanks again for stopping by, Raul.


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