Is Your Business Message Lost in Imagery?

Imagery adds sparkle to your business message. Visual imagery brings words to life. The right photo or technology touch ignites your business message. Descriptive imagery captures the imagination with figurative language that fuels your story. Is there such a thing as...

25 Sneaky, Overused, Abused Blog Post Words

Do you love your blog? For many of us, blog writing is the perfect vehicle for being true to ourselves. Language is relaxed Posts are conversational We write like we talk While we revel in a less stringent form of writing, that last item may backfire. Blog writing can...

Honoring Memorial Day

Simply stated business takes the day off to honor Memorial Day in the U.S. Formerly known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day for remembering the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. We thank you for your sacrifice.  ...

Book Review: Business Writing With Heart

Business writing receives its fair share of hits. So awful Too boring Out of touch Lynn Gaertner-Johnston’s new book, Business Writing With Heart: How to Build Great Work Relationships One Message at a Time shares all that is good about professional business...

Stating a Case for Vision Statements

Do you view a vision statement as a silly exercise? What purpose could it possibly serve? In Part 1 of the 10-Part Marketing Plan Process, I’ll see if I can make a believer out of you. Vision Defined Your vision statement identifies what you want your business...

Guest Post: Keeping Business Communication Simple

Anne Wayman knows the way to my heart. While I return to my beloved San Diego (and Anne’s home) for my 10th 60-mile, 3-Day Walk for the Cure, Anne offered a guest post. And her topic? Keeping business communication simple. See why I love Anne? I’ll thank...

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