5 Business Writing Tips Calculated by Math

In my Corporate days, I often used math. I envied coworkers who could pick up a spreadsheet and find an error at first glance – except, if it was mine. But, then I’d find a typo of theirs and all was right with the world again. Math is not natural for me I...

Free eBook With Business Writing Tips Released

Announcing – the eBook – How to Be a Business Writing MVP: Your Playbook to Better Writing Is yours for the taking Well, for reading anyway Download it for free No sign-up required Your Own Playbook I realize not everyone loves business writing like I do. If you...

Guest Post at Brandi-Ann Uyemura About Business Writing

I was thrilled when freelance writer, Brandi-Ann Uyemura, asked me to guest post at her freelance writing blog. Here is a sneak peek. You can see the entire post at Brandi’s site. ============= Who Says Business Writing is Just a Day Job? Speak with business...

Business Writing Molds Don’t Have to Get Moldy

Have you ever noticed that some people need rules? They need structure They need organization They need molds That’s not a bad thing. When you take it to extremes, it becomes old – like mold. Molds for business writing are great tools – just don’t let them...

Word Pet Peeves Are a Sure Winner

If you want a sure-fire way for generating passionate responses, ask readers about their pet peeves. Responses to a discussion started in a LinkedIn® group are exploding like New Year’s finest bubbly. The author of the question asked for input on – Commonly...

Is Good Business Writing Lost?

You see it all the time — the battle of the traditionalist versus the new age. I probably lost major credits with the use of “new age.” There are grammar purists And Be Yourself bliss There is 140-character marketing And predictions of email death What...

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