Simple How-To for Adding Placeit Mockup on Shopify

Are you wondering what the heck a Placeit Mockup is? A few days ago, I was in your shoes. But my latest venture into an online store (Old Lady Biz Store), presents many new learning frustrations…err… opportunities. I debated about creating this post at my Old Lady Biz...

What Footprint Does Your Business Writing Leave Behind?

Business writing lives on forever. At least the online versions. Have you thought about what footprint your business writing will leave behind? Earth Day is April 22. It focuses on the state of our planet and sustainability. In honor of Earth Day, this post reviews...

5 Contact Us Practices You Need to Stop

Sharlene had a problem with a recent purchase. So, she visited the product’s website. After reading page after page and slogging through Frequently Asked Questions, she still did not have an answer. Sharlene decided to contact the company directly. And that’s where...

Is Your Business and Life Glass Half Full?

Pollyanna handed a glass half full of water to Michael. “Let me know if you’d like more,” she smiled. “Well, when I asked for a glass of water, I didn’t expect one that was half empty,” Michael groused. So, is the glass half full or half empty? How you see it says a...

Simple Business Plan Prevents Painful Plops

Do you hate business plans? Not the start-up business plan, but the managing your business kind. As cliché as it is, a new year nags at small business owners to plot out a plan for the upcoming year (and beyond). Yet another P word – procrastination – pushes our...

5 Questions Customers Ask That You Need to Answer

Jenna had an idea. She was sure she had discovered the solution to an annoying problem. Jenna decided to share her idea. She created a landing page so visitors could download information that outlined her idea. Despite marketing on several social media platforms, the...

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