Annoying Business Jargon Even the Pros Use

  We love to slam bad business writing. It’s bad, boring, and barely read all over It’s annoying, pretentious and useless Admit it. We all use business jargon – even the pro writers. Don’t think so? Look at some of the jargon that made the...

Online Connection Grabs Grandma and Grandpa

  The online world has gotten some seasoning. A recent Pew Research Center study reports that for the first time, half of adults ages 65 and older are online. Okay, maybe they’re not shoving their grandkids aside to hit the internet. But, Pew states their...

QR Codes: Fading Fad or Budding Brilliance?

  It’s amazing what goes on when you’re not paying attention. A 3-part series on QR Codes consistently grabs traffic How Do QR Codes Work and What Do You Need ranks the highest My ignorance of those bar-code thingies inspired the series. Apparently, I...

5 Business Writing Tips From the Pros

What do you think of when you hear the term business writing? A corporate report? A technical white paper? Something boring and bad? If you own a business, you do some form of business writing. Emails Blog posts Social media marketing Assuming you don’t hire a...

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