Affluent Consumers Give New Meaning to Rich Text

Print is not dead for all consumers. If you buy into the latest survey, marketers may want to include some back-to-the-future print marketing. The 2012 Mendelsohn Affluent survey from global independent market research firm Ipsos, reports ~  82 percent of affluent...

Photos And Video Users Pinned Down

We live in a visual world. Pew Research dubs our photos and video obsession as social currency. Don’t let that get out We’ll turn into a giant swap meet I suspect it may be too late. Make or Take In its publication, Photos and Videos Are Key Social...

Taking Business Writing Outlines Out of Storage

We love to store stuff. We pay storage unit fees for years We keep downloads indefinitely We dedicate drawers to storing junk When we finally face our storage, we are thrilled when we find something we can actually use. Like business writing outlines. Remember those?...

Should Digital Publishers Ignore the Paper Crowd?

  Oprah has a theory.  Okay, maybe more than one. What Oprah learned about all 30,000 guests from The Oprah Winfrey Show was that they all wanted validation. “…everybody wants to he heard.” The Oprah Winfrey Show Finale Consider this post as the...

Season-Changing Business Communication

Labor Day in the U.S. is our unofficial end of summer. Kids are back at school Summer gear is packed away Cooler weather is on the way (usually) Now is a great time to have a season-changing peek at your business communication. Go Back to School Some kids are thrilled...

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