Business Communication: When Trolling Turns Fishy

Keeping your business communication fresh is both fun and hard work. You tell stories You make videos You write books Inspiration is found in some surprising places, but when you land the big idea, all your hard work pays off. Just make sure that when you are out...

Is LinkedIn Losing Its Identity?

Change comes with the territory. If you participate in social media at all, you experience more than your fair share of change. LinkedIn (LI), the platform that promotes its site as the World’s Largest Professional Network, has introduced a boatload of changes....

Good Customer Service Lands Snoopy

Even Snoopy casting shadows with the MetLife blimp over the 15th hole could not stop the Europeans from capturing the Ryder Cup in golf – again. Snoopy – an American icon. Have you heard the story of how MetLife scored one of the biggest coups ever – Earning the right...

LinkedIn Endorsements: Another Meaningless Validation?

If you have been on LinkedIn the last couple of days you probably noticed the networking site’s latest addition – Endorsements Since it is so early in the roll-out, I won’t completely dismiss the idea, but I have my doubts regarding its value. How it...

Affluent Consumers Give New Meaning to Rich Text

Print is not dead for all consumers. If you buy into the latest survey, marketers may want to include some back-to-the-future print marketing. The 2012 Mendelsohn Affluent survey from global independent market research firm Ipsos, reports ~  82 percent of affluent...

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