by Cathy Miller | Nov 26, 2012
Does your business’ marketing take a tryptophan trip to Snoozeville during the holidays? Have you already written off the year? Are you caught up in your own holiday shopping? There’s something about the start of the holiday season that has us looking...
by Cathy Miller | Nov 14, 2012
I love Guest Post week and how it shows what high-quality guest blogging is all about. This guest post is from a writer I admire and respect. And I like her – I really, really like her. We found we are kindred souls. In fact, we’re convinced we’re...
by Cathy Miller | Nov 13, 2012
The breadth of Jenn Mattern’s knowledge never ceases to amaze me. I was fortunate that I discovered Jenn’s blogs early in the launch of my writing business. You are never short-changed by Jenn when it comes to information and assistance. I was thrilled...
by Cathy Miller | Nov 12, 2012
A great way to kick off Guest Post week is featuring a post from Anne Wayman. This week I am in San Diego, my old hometown, for business and pleasure. Meeting with clients Participating in my 9th 3-Day Walk for the Cure And having lunch with writer friend, Anne Wayman...
by Cathy Miller | Nov 7, 2012
Responding to blog comments is good business. It acknowledges the reader It shows respect for their time It helps build online relationships It’s logical, right? So, why would someone ignore LinkedIn Answers? Looking for Answers LinkedIn’s feature,...