by Cathy Miller | Dec 31, 2012
Are you just waiting for the New Year ball to drop? The champagne cork to pop? The calendar to roll? No matter what part of the world you’re in, now could be a good time for some business housekeeping. You know – those tasks you should do, but often put...
by Cathy Miller | Dec 26, 2012
What is it about the new year that urges you to tinker with your business? A fresh start? A sense of adventure? Or knowing you have a whole year to fix it? Nothing is safe. You tinker with ~ Social media Product or service offerings And if you’re like me –...
by Cathy Miller | Dec 24, 2012
Simply stated business will be shut down on Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24, 2012 and Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25, 2012. I thank you for all of your support throughout the year. I am very grateful. I look forward to 2013. Keep it simple Keep it clear...
by Cathy Miller | Dec 19, 2012
As a blog owner, don’t you love a slew of comments on a post? Your blogging heart races There really is someone out there reading your posts We discovered rant posts this year topped the charts for generating the most comments. With the year rapidly coming to an...
by Cathy Miller | Dec 18, 2012
Lori Widmer’s Words on the Page is a freelance writer’s library of ideas. I’ve been following Lori’s blog for years and am thrilled to have the opportunity to guest post there. Check out my latest guest post, SWOT’s the Simple...