3 Tips for Business Writing Zen

Few of us who work for a living escape the need for business writing. Emails Social media Business blogs Any time we write for and about our work, we become business writers. Scary thought? What’s scarier is if you don’t think about your business writing....

Should Your Presentation Include Handouts?

Do you wonder if you should have handouts for your presentation? Then you have come to the right place. We are going to take you on a journey Far, far away from bullet points and text-crammed slides Previously, we explored Slides and Presentations: The Perfect...

A Slideshare Take on Technical Presentations

We’ve all been there. The technical presentation where every last detail was squeezed on slides. How much do you remember about that presentation? The Slideshare presentation below offers a different approach. It’s a marriage between slides and handouts....

A LinkedIn Feature You May Have Ignored

One of my dad’s southernisms was ~ If it was a snake, it would have bit you. That describes a feature of LinkedIn that I recently discovered. I figured if I hadn’t noticed the feature, someone else missed it, too. Of course, that could be my need for...

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